It's been a while since the last post because Craig's Dad has been busier than usual. Craig's routine hasn't changed much. He often has dinner on Saturday downstairs on the second floor. Sometimes, before dinner he will sit with Craig's Cousin Yu-chi to watch Dora the Explorer. Craig's Dad is a little bit concerned that the show is so stupid that it might cause brain damage but he has been assured by other adults that he is worrying too much. :>

Fortunately, the TV watching doesn't affect Craig's appetite.

Craig has become very fond of the sugar glider that he recieved at Christmas time from Craig's Aunty Anne et al. At kindy, they have a toy sharing activity every Friday. Currently, Craig seems to think that is a good reason for him to take his sugar glider to kindy every day!! In this picture he is putting into his backpack on Sunday night, ready for Monday morning.

When staying at home with Craig's Dad, Craig is still very good about helping with the laundry.

There haven't been many sunny mornings recently but when the sun is out Craig's Dad likes to take Craig to the park nearest home for some recreation.

Unfortunately, Craig likes to simply sit at the top of the slide and admire the view.

Sometimes he can sit there for quite a while.

At another park a little further from home Craig likes to climb on these horizontal bars. Normally he's too afraid to climb as high as he has in this picture so Craig's Dad had to take a picture quickly.

Sure enough, Craig was quick to climb down one bar to where he felt safer.

On that particular sunny day, Craig insisted on going to a third park even further from home that has a "big slide." Craig likes the big slide.

Despite the beautiful sunshine there was no one else playing on the slide that day but Craig didn't mind.

That meant he could just sit at the top for as long as he wanted.

On Saturday morning Craig had breakfast at his favourite breakfast shop with both Mum and Dad. That hasn't happened very often recently.

Craig had lunch with his Mum and Dad in a really noisy food court at a
department store in Neihu.

Craig didn't seem to mind the noise. He just wanted lunch.

After lunch it was off to do what Craig does best, sitting on the top of a slide in a park!

He really can sit in one place for quite a long time if no one moves him along.

After a while they travelled by MRT to
Dahu Park where Craig did some climbing.

Craig is getting much better at climbing and walking on this sort of thing.

He's not fast but he's not afraid of falling like he was when he was younger and can enjoy himself while he walks across now. That's pretty important, wouldn't you say?
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