Thursday, January 07, 2010

Uncle Jim's Pics and Videos of a Sunday in Yeppoon

Some pictures and videos have travelled by slow boat from Australia all the way to Taiwan and can finally now be posted on the blog. They were all taken on Sunday Nov. 29, 2009. The first one shows how difficult it was to get Craig and Bailey to kick the ball to each other without someone getting upset.

After that game had finished Craig went back to running laps around Grandma's house.

He really liked this game a lot and giggled a lot while he was running.

Meanwhile, Craig's Grandma and Aunty Annette were staying cool by keeping out of the sun.

In the afternoon was the trip to Cooee Bay Park already described here.

Craig and Bailey really do get along very well.

Craig had to play by himself for a little while when Bailey insisted that Aunty Annette had to take him to the (very windy) beach.

Craig wanted Bailey to come back so that they could play with the water tap a bit more.

Which is exactly what they did.

After that it was time to go back to the house. Once they got there Bailey began playing the garden hose.

Craig actually had a good time but, as mentioned before, it was very windy and that made it too cold for Craig to play for very long.

He was much warmer after being wrapped up in a towel.

Craig's next concern was hunger! He's not afraid to help himself to food in the fridge.

He hung out in the kitchen until Craig's Dad found him a snack.

Food makes Craig happy almost all the time.

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