Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Shangrila Day 2 and the Journey Home

On Sunday morning Craig went for another walk through the farm. This time he spent some time on a swing with his Mum.

And Craig's Mum gave him a push on a smaller swing.

Naturally, there was time to look at the ducks again!

After packing and preparing to check-out, Craig enjoyed a banana before they set out to take the coast road home.

The first stop they made was at a beach with black sand where a surfing competition was in progress.

They finally stopped for lunch at Jin Sha Wan. There's no pictures of that. The next time the camera came out was at Bai Sha Wan where Craig shared a mango smoothie with Craig's Dad.

Then, it was time to get out on the beach for some beach soccer Craig-style.

Every now and then they had to stop kicking the ball so that Craig's Dad could wipe sand off Craig's sweaty hands!! The boy has become a bit of a fusspot about some things.

As usual, Craig's Dad made several attempts to take a picture of the peaceful atmosphere that overtakes the beach just around sunset. One day he will learn that the atmosphere doesn't make its way into still pictures ..... In the meantime, he can always blame the poor camera.

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