After arriving in Danshuei the first thing they did was have lunch at Mos Burger. Craig waited rather impatiently for his food.

No matter how quickly Craig's Mum was ordering and bringing the food to the seats outdoors it was always going to be too long for Craig.

Craig really liked the lunch.

After walking north for about 20 minutes Craig demanded a rest. So a stop was made in a well-known American chain-store coffee shop. Craig was happy to sit and draw there.

When they reached the hotel room Craig was treated to a lolly that was in the room.

The scene looking towards the ocean was very peaceful.

But Craig didn't look.
He was busy playing with the sliding doors.
After reading for a while Craig's Mum stood up to watch the sunset.

Soon after sunset a hungry boy was demanding dinner. After being to so many restaurants, Craig is already familiar with the routine. He even insists on (ahem) reading the menu and ordering!!

Fortunately, Craig's Mum had another menu to order from.

Craig did some more drawing before dinner arrived.

After dinner, Craig parents thought Craig needed some exercise so they went for a walk. They were surprised to find the local town hall decorated with Christmas lights. You don't see much of that in Taiwan these days.

The police station next door was also decorated for the (not-so) festive season.

Craig didn't care about the lights. He was busy playing with a public phone right across the street from the police station.

This sign was put up by the township gubbermunt. Craig's Dad thinks its (ab)use of the English language should be taught in schools. Or, perhaps not.

Finally, Craig was tired and the walk back to the hotel began.

Which led to yet another photo of Craig asleep in a hotel bed. He justs looks so peaceful when he's sleeping that it's hard to resist taking a picture.

Two breakfasts were delivered to the room bright and early. The unusual combination included chocolate cake and salad.

There was only two chairs so Craig had to eat while sitting on the bed.

Near the end of the meal Craig spotted the yoghurt.

He insisted on using the spoon to feed himself.

That left just the walk back to the train for the trip home.

Which Craig did with style.

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