Craig parents planned to go to Living Mall (京華城) and do some Christmas shopping. They don't often walk in that direction so when they set off, they walked down some lanes that Craig was not familiar with.

Then, when walking along the main road, Craig inisted on crossing the road. Craig's parents thought he wanted to walk over a pedestrian bridge and decided to humour him.

But, at the top of the bridge, Craig surprised his parents by pointing down the street at a pharmacy that sells his favourite biscuits and saying "餅乾" biscuits.

Craig's Mum and Dad thought he was very clever. They managed to convince him that it was a good idea to keep walking in the other direction and moving towards the mall.

When they arrived at the mall, Craig played in a very little play area that was crowded with lots of bigger children.

And, he sat down for half an hour to play with some lego-like toys. While he did that Craig's Dad chose a Christmas present.

While at Fridays (where else) for dinner, Craig began refusing to allow his parents to feed him the Macaroni and Cheese. He wanted to use the fork to feed himself.

He paused briefly to allow a photo to be taken.

Then it was back to the serious business of eating.

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