Craig's Dad tried to take a group photo by holding his camera as far away as his left arm would allow. First he used the good camera on the back of the phone.

And then the secondary camera on the front that is easier to aim.

Unfortunately, Craig fell asleep on the way home. Or maybe it was fortunate, because that meant Craig's Mum and Dad could sit at an outdoor cafe and rest peacefully for a while. Taipei City government has developed some very nice bike paths alongside the rivers that run through town and, very recently, some outdoor cafes have been set up. This one is close to the Raohe St Night Market and it's a really nice spot.

The peace didn't last long. Soon, Craig was awake and ready to pull Craig's Mum out of her seat so she could accompany him in having a look around. There's no rest for the mother of a busy 2-year-old.

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