The first stop was the sandpit at Neihu Sports Park. At first he was happy to play by himself.

Then he began sliding his tiny bum across the sand towards some other children.

Craig didn't actually play with the other kids. He just came up close and observed their game.

Eventually, Craig's Dad came along to play as well.

It was very warm in the sandpit but that was OK because the weather had been pretty cool all week.

After lunch at KFC Craig was taken to the tiny park not far away to do some climbing.
To encourage Craig to climb, Craig's Dad would take Craig's spade and put on top of the little platform where he could see it.

When Craig picked up the ball, it went up on top of the platform.

Craig climbed up the rope webbing close to a dozen times.
As soon as he reached the bottom of the slide he ran away to a rocking animal to rest. But, Craig's Mum and Dad took the ball and began kicking it. Normally, Craig joins in that game very quickly but on this day he spent some time just standing still holding the ball.

He seemed to be trying to make a decision about what to do next.

Eventually, the ball was put on the ground and kicked.

And then picked up again. He was probably concerned that Craig's Dad would put it back on the platform again. He didn't want to climb up the rope web any more.

So, he went back to the rocking animal and held on tight to the ball.

After all that exercise it was no surprise that he needed a nap on the way home. Craig's Mum supplied her long-sleeved t-shirt as a pillow.

Dinner was at TGI Fridays. Craig was very hungry. Before leaving home to go out for dinner he let his Mum and Dad know that he has learned the name of the restaurant, by standing beside the front door and repeating it loudly before they left. Upon arrival, he arranged his placemat and other items just so while waiting impatiently for his food.

After dinner, Craig's Mum had to rush home to teach math. Meanwhile Craig and Craig's Dad went for walk to the MRT station to watch trains.

Craig enjoyed that enough to sit happily for more than half an hour until it was time to go home and get ready for bed.

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