It was a very warm, sunny day but it was still surprising to see this dog cooling off in the river, just sitting like a statue in the water.

Craig sat on his Mum's lap while they took a ferry across the river to Bali, or the Left Bank as the Taipei tourist brochures like to call it.

After lunch Craig brightened up a bit and played on a slide while his Mum got sunburned!

Playing on the slide was OK but it was a very hot day (about 35 degrees Celsius) and there wasn't much else to do.

So, it was back on the ferry to Danshuei. Craig was feeling like it was afternoon nap time. The spot on his face just below his right eye is the dried blood from a very big pimple that he scratched the top off. Craig's Dad has never seen such a big pimple on such a young child and it's still a mystery as to why it appeared. Craig's Mum blamed too many french fries at TGI Fridays -- a plausible theory that means Craig won't be eating Fridays for a while so that it can be tested.

Craig was tired and he proceeded to enjoy an afternoon nap in Starbucks while his Dad and Mum enjoyed cold drinks with too much caffeine in them.

Then it was time to put their bags in the hotel room. Of course Craig checked out the view from the balcony.
The hotel website is here.

The glass made it safer for Craig to see the view while standing on his own two feet.

An unusual thing that day was a person out windsurfing right in front of the hotel. In the past, the river was so polluted that not many people were brave enough to get in the water at this spot.

An afternoon walk was then taken to buy munchies and to enjoy the sea air.

Craig wanted to stop at the scene of his afternoon nap.

It was soon dinner time. There was a restaurant right downstairs from their hotel room that has nice outdoor seating and even highchairs for little people! Craig was happy to pose for a picture with his Mum.

But not so happy to pose again with Dad. Craig's Dad thought Craig was hungry.

But he calmed down again when his Mum gave him a bottle to play with.

The view from their table across the river was nice.

And the view down-river towards the ocean was not bad either.

Not long later lights began to appear on the far shore.

But Craig was hungry and needed to chew on something.

The water bottle received a good chewing as well.

But when the chewing continued back at the hotel room after dinner, Craig's Dad began to think that it wasn't hunger that was causing this behaviour.

Craig even chewed the top of a beer can!

He enjoyed his late snack on the bed.

But began to look sleepy before he had finished the fruit.

Breakfast the next day was about the same as the last time they visited this hotel.

The view towards the ocean was bright but there was a stiff breeze blowing.

That didn't stop Craig and his Dad from enjoying the sea air out on the balcony again.

But all good things come to an end and it was soon time to head back to Taipei on the MRT.

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