Sunday, June 15, 2008

Highlights from Last Week/Friday and Saturday

Lunch on Friday was at a cafe next to Taipei Arena where Craig became very affectionate after he'd had something to eat.

On Saturday morning Craig was once again harassing his Mum while she was in the bathroom.

Then, he went downstairs to the second floor to play. First, he relaxed on Great Aunt from the Fifth Floor's lap.

And then went to play with Uncle Guapo.

Before trying to make an escape.

He then read a book with his Mum.

Craig can be quite energetic about reading.

The only task left before going back upstairs was to make sure that the bathroom scales were working. Craig accomplished that with aplomb.


suprana said...

It looks very hot in Taiwan.

Dad said...

It is seriously hot in Taipei. Craig's Dad works up a good sweat riding his bicycle to work in the middle of the day.

I'm told that it's raining in England... but that almost doesn't need saying, does it?

Anonymous said...

I am missing stuffing my face and the hot weather ! And not working of course. Dean

Dad said...

Uncle Dean!!!

Good to see you here on the blog. Mate, it has been stinking hot and I'll bet England couldn't be more different. I was told about the rain by an English friend of mine who used to live in Taiwan. He was back here very recently visiting his wife's relatives in Taipei. I think he'd had a bit too much Taiwanese food ....

Hope that your work is going as well as can be expected.

Keep in touch,

Craig's Dad