He is now over the cold that he had for more a month and his appetite is much better. Craig's Mum fed him some food she had prepared for him.

But he soon became bored with that and began watching a crane that was parked just outside the window.

The crane caused him to lose interest in the food his mother had cooked especially for him!

Worse than that, Craig's Dad was too busy enjoying his Australian beer to offer any assistance. Being a mum is tough sometimes.

And, it's very easy to make a mistake.
Craig's Mum picked up a chicken wing and waved it in front of Craig's face while he looked out the window. All she wanted to do was stop him ignoring her and his food. She was successful at doing that but straight away Craig turned around and began to complain. He wanted that chicken bone and he wanted it now! He complained so loudly that two 30-something women who had been sitting nearby, staring at him and talking about how cute he was suddenly looked quite shocked at the noise. And, Craig's Dad didn't help by just sitting there and laughing.

Craig's Mum had to eat the meat off the bone first because it had some very spicy sauce that Craig probably wouldn't have liked much.

It was only after he had the bone in his tiny hand that the noise finally stopped.

A little while later, Craig's Dad had finally finished his beer. So, it became his job to feed Craig and allow Craig's Mum to eat in peace. Craig really enjoyed the fish.

Even when he went back to staring at the now crane-less view outside he didn't refuse anything that his Dad gave him. Craig's Mum reckons that Craig ate more fish than she did.

As usual, a full tummy means a happy Craig.

He even turned around and looked at the camera when asked to by his Mum.

Then, just before they left, a former student of Craig's Dad, Ellen showed up at the restaurant. It was a nice coincidence and a good excuse to take a picture.

Craig's Dad also took a picture of Ellen's husband Jim but he couldn't get a picture of their daughter Catherine because she was too shy and hid behind her dad.

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