Friday, June 11, 2010

Craig's Dad's Birthday & Improvements to Craig's Room

Wednesday was Craig's Dad's birthday. After he arrived home from work Craig was definitely not in a sleeping mood. So, it was decided that some cake would be a good idea. Fortunately, the local coffee shop had a free table outdoors. Craig actually wanted to help Craig's Dad drink his mango smoothie (right foreground) but Craig's Mum encouraged him to drink hers instead.

Craig seemed pretty happy about helping out.

Craig also helped eat some of the two pieces of chocolate cake. The cake was eaten too quickly for Craig's Dad to get a picture.

After eating the cake, Craig sat with his Dad for a photo. The cake had put him in a really good mood.

Meanwhile, back at home a small improvement to Craig's room has been made. He now has two small whiteboards to draw on. They used to be in the front room where Craig's Mum sometimes taught. But, since she is down to just one student she doesn't need the whiteboards. Craig likes to draw a circle.

And then rub it out.

And then draw another one.

When he can't have cake, which is pretty much every night, Craig's preferred late night snack is yoghurt. He insists on feeding himself and that gives Craig's Dad the opportunity to take pictures.

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