The first few days of Chinese New Year 2010 were pretty dull for Craig. Just going out for breakfast instead of staying at home was a photo-op.

The weather was often wet and not conducive to going outside. When Craig did venture outdoors it was only to go shopping with his Mum and Dad. On the way to the shop, Craig took the opportunity to stop at every public phone on the way. He likes to listen to the dial tone.

On the way back home he pointed out every public phone that he could find.

So, Craig was pretty happy about beginning a trip to Kaohsiung where the weather was supposed to be warmer and drier.

A quick trip on the
bullet train had Craig walking around next to Love River in no time.

Craig is very good at finding jungle gyms so that he can sit at the top of a slide

This place was good because Craig's Mum and Dad could sit and rest on a park bench and watch Craig play.

Although the weather was cool it was the first chance for Craig to play outdoors for quite a few days.
I like Craig's hat. I think it will look good on uncle Dean. lol
It's actually one of Craig's Dad's beanies. Craig stole it.
Father and son wearing matching beanies wasn't the intended idea. Craig's Dad bought two so he could wear the other one when his favourite was in the wash but Craig stole the spare one.
It does look good though, doesn't it?
Should I buy another one for Uncle Dean?
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