The last few days in Yeppoon were very quiet compared to the weekend that had just passed. Craig kept asking Craig's Dad about Bailey. Nevertheless, Craig did manage to have some fun running laps around Craig's Grandma's house.

Craig also helped Craig's Grandma walk the dog.

The park they walked to had plenty of mangoes hanging from the trees there.

Craig also started playing a new game where he would hide in the pantry.

And, there was even time for quiet reflection while sitting on an old chair on the downstairs verandah.

Craig had a bottle of soapy water and a little bubble-making wand that Craig's Dad had bought on the first day after they arrived in Yeppoon. Craig wasn't very good at blowing through the circles at the end of the wand to make bubbles but he found that the afternoon sea-breeze could help him.

On the last full day that Craig spent in Yeppoon he walked to the local shops with his Dad to buy some supplies for the long trip home.

They had to rush home from the shops because a thunderstorm came up suddenly. They only just made it home without getting wet and then watched the rain from the safety of the rumpus room downstairs.

Craig soon moved to the upstairs verandah where he could watch the rain in comfort.

In the afternoon things had dried out enough that Craig could go back to playing his running around the house game. He wanted to run through the house by going back in through a locked door, and kept trying to unlock it himself, without success.

There was also time for Craig and Craig's Dad to have a last kick of the tiny soccer ball in the yard.

Craig thought it was so much fun to kick the ball under the downstairs verandah that Craig's Dad went and got a rake so that he could get the ball out without doing any crawling.

On the final morning, Craig watched Craig's Dad take their big suitcase downstairs and put it in the boot (trunk for our North American friends) of the car. Then they went back upstairs where Craig put his shoes on. Craig then disappeared and Craig's Dad couldn't find him for a few minutes. In the end, he found Craig had already opened up the back door of the car, climbed in and started to buckle himself into his carseat. He wanted to be sure he wouldn't be left behind.
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