Craig slept until 8am despite the strong morning sunlight coming in through the window. Craig's Dad thought it would be best to wake him up and give him breakfast.

He still looked tired at breakfast but ate all the scrambled egg Craig's Grandma made for him and drank a big cup of milk.

The first thing Craig did was help Craig's Dad with the washing. Craig didn't like walking out to the clothesline on the grass barefoot and he thought the cement path was too hot, which was a pretty sensible assessment.

So, he was much happier inside doing some "drawing".

Craig's Grandma's fridge door has plenty of pictures of grandchildren but Craig seems to be a feature.

Craig was at the beach in the afternoon. He only wanted to sit in the shade and dig in the sand. He didn't want to go swimming and preferred to sit upwind from his Dad so that the sand was blowing in Craig's Dad's eyes rather than vice-versa.

He really enjoys the digging.

Back at the house, Craig's Grandma's dog Buddy came in to the bathroom while Craig was having a bath, probably to see what all the singing was about.

Craig likes patting Buddy but Buddy is still a bit nervous about Craig.

Craig's Dad is concerned about the remote control collection at Craig's Grandma's house. There are way too many for Craig to leave them all untouched.

Despite being busy all day, Craig was still quite perky at 9pm and came out of the bedroom to watch TV with Grandma more than an hour after Craig's Dad had put him to bed.

Even after lying down on his Grandma Craig didn't go to sleep until after 11pm. We will never know why!!
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