Craig seemed to think that the best thing about his new cup is the strap. He can use it in a variety of ways to lift the cup to his mouth and that can't be a bad thing, can it?

Craig then spent some time at the park with Craig's Dad while Craig's Mum had her hair cut.

As is his current custom, Craig took a picture with his camera.

Then he asked Craig's Dad to take a picture. He doesn't usually strike a pose when a picture is going to be taken but maybe he's just starting to learn about that.

On Sunday morning Craig was back in control of the camera. This time he was upside-down when he pressed the shutter button.

Lunch was had at a cheap cafe not far from home. Craig and his Dad went upstairs to sit down first and as soon as they were seated, they had a little visitor. She was a very happy little girl who carried her mother's mobile phone with her all the time.

Craig and his new friend swapped mobile phones back and forth for quite a while. They had a lovely time.

Then, there was a tremendously long walk to buy supplies for Craig's upcoming long flight to the US. Craig's Mum wants to be well prepared for that big adventure. After the shopping came dinner at Craig's favourite restaurant.

And there was time for one more photo just before bedtime at the end of the weekend.