This video will be more fun for the Chinese speaking visitors than others. Craig was supposed to be settling down and thinking about sleep on Wednesday night but he kept trying to distract his parents by repeating his favourite rhyme. Sometimes Craig's Mum would begin a Taiwanese song that Craig knows but he would interrupt immediately in Mandarin (Chinese) with his rhyme.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Bike Riding in Bali
On Craig's Dad's day off last Thursday, Craig had breakfast at home with Craig's Dad and then, not long later, headed off to meet Craig's Mum. You can probably tell from this picture that Craig was suffering from hayfever. He had been sneezing every five minutes at home ever since he woke up.

When they arrived at the MRT station not far from Craig's Mum's computer class where they were to meet her, Craig couldn't wait for her to arrive.

It was a very happy little reunion.

The family then moved on Danshuei to have lunch outdoors. Craig's hayfever was starting to clear up by then, he hadn't sneezed at all on the MRT ride.

The next thing was to take a ride on a ferry across the river to Bali and hire a family-sized bicycle. Craig's Dad didn't take a picture of the bicycle but it was just like the one they rode in Kaohsiung a few weeks ago.

Craig insisted on stopping at a park with a jungle gym. The only problem was that it was right next to a temple where people were singing on a karaoke machine! Very noisy!
On the other side of the jungle gym was a net thing that Craig climbed up quite a few times very well.

But, as soon as the video camera was turned on he began having all sorts of trouble.
The family then climbed back on the bike and rode all the way out to the Shihsanhang Museum of Archeology. At first, Craig seemed pretty happy to be walking around instead of sitting on the bike.

The top floor of the museum has a glass floor that looks straight down inside the building. Craig's Mum didn't like looking down four floors to the ground far below (there's actually a very strong-looking metal grate just below the glass to save people if the glass should break) so she walked on the side where there was metal flooring.

At the end of the top floor is a glass wall with a .... view. It's not a beautiful view, is it?
After heading outside, they walked up to the top of the museum's roof to sit down and have a snack.

The lack of chairs didn't bother Craig.

There was a stop at another park with a jungle gym and see-saws on the way back. Apparently, Craig's Dad still weighs more than Craig's Mum and Craig put together!!

Craig's Mum was so hungry after all the bicycle riding that they had to stop halfway home and have a pretty ordinary dinner at a coffee shop. The food just couldn't come fast enough.

When they arrived at the MRT station not far from Craig's Mum's computer class where they were to meet her, Craig couldn't wait for her to arrive.

It was a very happy little reunion.

The family then moved on Danshuei to have lunch outdoors. Craig's hayfever was starting to clear up by then, he hadn't sneezed at all on the MRT ride.

The next thing was to take a ride on a ferry across the river to Bali and hire a family-sized bicycle. Craig's Dad didn't take a picture of the bicycle but it was just like the one they rode in Kaohsiung a few weeks ago.

Craig insisted on stopping at a park with a jungle gym. The only problem was that it was right next to a temple where people were singing on a karaoke machine! Very noisy!
On the other side of the jungle gym was a net thing that Craig climbed up quite a few times very well.

But, as soon as the video camera was turned on he began having all sorts of trouble.
The family then climbed back on the bike and rode all the way out to the Shihsanhang Museum of Archeology. At first, Craig seemed pretty happy to be walking around instead of sitting on the bike.

The top floor of the museum has a glass floor that looks straight down inside the building. Craig's Mum didn't like looking down four floors to the ground far below (there's actually a very strong-looking metal grate just below the glass to save people if the glass should break) so she walked on the side where there was metal flooring.

At the end of the top floor is a glass wall with a .... view. It's not a beautiful view, is it?
After heading outside, they walked up to the top of the museum's roof to sit down and have a snack.

The lack of chairs didn't bother Craig.

There was a stop at another park with a jungle gym and see-saws on the way back. Apparently, Craig's Dad still weighs more than Craig's Mum and Craig put together!!

Craig's Mum was so hungry after all the bicycle riding that they had to stop halfway home and have a pretty ordinary dinner at a coffee shop. The food just couldn't come fast enough.

Jabbed Again
Last Saturday saw Craig make a trip to the doctor to receive yet another vaccination. This was the last in a series of shots to guard against Japanese encephalitis. The good news was that after he was jabbed the nurse gave Craig lollies. And nothing helps this little boy forget pain better than lollies. So, he was pretty happy on the way back home even if he didn't want to walk after being jabbed in the thigh.

After lunch Craig relaxed with Uncle Guapo.

And Craig's cousin Soit-Jade was there too, but she preferred to play in the next room behind a glass window.

After lunch Craig relaxed with Uncle Guapo.

And Craig's cousin Soit-Jade was there too, but she preferred to play in the next room behind a glass window.

Friday, March 13, 2009
Can You Call this Music?
Craig and Soit-Jade on Thursday afternoon at Craig's home on Craig's Mum's keyboard. The facts and the title say it all really. Enjoy.
Time with Dad
Craig's Mum has started a new computer course that requires attendance at classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am ~ 12-midday for 5 weeks. Last week was the first of the course so, since then, Craig has slowly started getting used to the idea that Mum might not be there when he wakes up.

Generally speaking, Craig is very good and he plays quite happily. When he's with Dad, one of Craig's favourite games is to "draw" even if his drawings look a lot like scribbling to other people.

And, being the owner of no less than two mobile phones, he keeps them close at hand playing videos while he works.

On those rare ocassions when he's done something wrong the cot is always there. Being put in the cot is still the only punishment that Craig receives when he is naughty, even though he sometimes treats it likes it a game...... sigh.

Generally speaking, Craig is very good and he plays quite happily. When he's with Dad, one of Craig's favourite games is to "draw" even if his drawings look a lot like scribbling to other people.

And, being the owner of no less than two mobile phones, he keeps them close at hand playing videos while he works.

On those rare ocassions when he's done something wrong the cot is always there. Being put in the cot is still the only punishment that Craig receives when he is naughty, even though he sometimes treats it likes it a game...... sigh.

Saturday, March 07, 2009
Cough Extinguisher
Poor Craig caught a cold just after returning to Taipei from sunny Kaohsiung on Saturday (Feb. 28). It stayed with him for days and became worse over time until it became bad enough on Tuesday (Mar. 3) that Craig's Mum called Craig's Dad at work to ask him to come home quickly so he could help take Craig to the doctor.
Despite taking medicine for a few days at that stage, Craig was wheezing audibly with every breath and it sounded very much like asthma to Craig's Dad. When Craig was taken to the doctor he explained that the medical definition says that, for a child so young, Craig would need to suffer breathing diffulties this bad three times in one year for him to be considered asthmatic. "Nice for the doctors but not much good for the poor little boy struggling to get oxygen into his lungs," was Craig's Dad's first thought.
The cough medicine prescribed to Craig has a lovely Chinese name. The first two characters of the name, if translated directly to English mean "Cough Extinguisher".

Craig has been going to see the doctor every morning since the (not yet) asthma diagnosis. These days he doesn't cry in the waiting room, just plays quietly. He cries plenty when facing the doctor.

To make matters worse, it started raining on Thursday night. So, the walk to the doctor's office on Friday morning was done in the rain.

And again on Saturday. The good news is that the wheezing is much improved and Craig is going to be healthly again very soon.

Late Update:
The photo below was taken on Wednesday (Mar. 11) on the way home from the doctor. No more medicine was prescribed and the very next day he was pronounced fit and healthy. Phew!
Despite taking medicine for a few days at that stage, Craig was wheezing audibly with every breath and it sounded very much like asthma to Craig's Dad. When Craig was taken to the doctor he explained that the medical definition says that, for a child so young, Craig would need to suffer breathing diffulties this bad three times in one year for him to be considered asthmatic. "Nice for the doctors but not much good for the poor little boy struggling to get oxygen into his lungs," was Craig's Dad's first thought.
The cough medicine prescribed to Craig has a lovely Chinese name. The first two characters of the name, if translated directly to English mean "Cough Extinguisher".

Craig has been going to see the doctor every morning since the (not yet) asthma diagnosis. These days he doesn't cry in the waiting room, just plays quietly. He cries plenty when facing the doctor.

To make matters worse, it started raining on Thursday night. So, the walk to the doctor's office on Friday morning was done in the rain.

And again on Saturday. The good news is that the wheezing is much improved and Craig is going to be healthly again very soon.

Late Update:
The photo below was taken on Wednesday (Mar. 11) on the way home from the doctor. No more medicine was prescribed and the very next day he was pronounced fit and healthy. Phew!

Friday, March 06, 2009
Trip to Kaohsiung (Day 3)
The third and final day (Saturday Feb. 28) of the trip started with breakfast in the freezing hotel dining room and then quickly moved on to a big park. The park was located beside a performing arts village thingy that was the intended destination of the little self-guided group. Unfortunately, the performance arts village was closed for renovations so Craig's Mum tried to entertain Craig's cousin Soit-Jade by blowing bubbles!

Craig was far away and can be seen in the background being carried by Aunty Suprana. Craig wanted to play with the "Diamond Geezer".

After giving the children plenty of time on the jungle gym it was time to look for a suitable place for lunch. While walking off in search of such a place, fathers with cameras led the way, followed by children..... and Craig's Aunty Yu-fang.

Craig's Dad had a mango smoothie with lunch that was so good-looking he had to take a picture of it. The hundreds and thousands sprinkled on top must have had something to do with it.

During lunch, Aunty Suprana did a wonderful job of entertaining Soit-Jade by blowing up a balloon and then letting the air blow out into Soit-Jade's face. They both had a really good time with that game.

Lunch was very relaxed and not too short. The restaurant was actually located inside the grounds of a hospital making it very peaceful. Eventually the group moved on to the Love River. Craig was tired and wanted to be picked up all the time but the afternoon ride the previous day had taken its toll on the adults as well.

What Craig and Soit-Jade really needed was a jungle gym with seats all around for adults to sit and watch the children play. And, what do you know, such a place showed up just in time. Craig was pretty happy.

In fact, Craig and Soit-Jade were happy.

With sitting the most popular adult activity that afternoon, a boat cruise along the Love River sounded like a very good idea. Craig enjoyed the scenery.

But could see better from Craig's Dad's lap.

The boat tour was a perfect way to relax and see what was on offer along the riverside.

On the way back to the hotel to retrieve their luggage, Craig was carried by the "Diamond Geezer" Uncle Dean. Craig seemed to like Uncle Dean and his nickname was often heard during the trip.

The group ate sashimi for dinner on some outdoor seats outside of the High Speed Railway station at Zuoying. Craig preferred playing under the seats to eating dinner.

Eventually he came out.

He played with his cousin Soit-Jade for a very short time.

And, played with his mobile phones for a while before boarding the 7:30pm train. He must have been tired though because he slept the whole way on his Dad's lap.

Craig was far away and can be seen in the background being carried by Aunty Suprana. Craig wanted to play with the "Diamond Geezer".

After giving the children plenty of time on the jungle gym it was time to look for a suitable place for lunch. While walking off in search of such a place, fathers with cameras led the way, followed by children..... and Craig's Aunty Yu-fang.

Craig's Dad had a mango smoothie with lunch that was so good-looking he had to take a picture of it. The hundreds and thousands sprinkled on top must have had something to do with it.

During lunch, Aunty Suprana did a wonderful job of entertaining Soit-Jade by blowing up a balloon and then letting the air blow out into Soit-Jade's face. They both had a really good time with that game.

Lunch was very relaxed and not too short. The restaurant was actually located inside the grounds of a hospital making it very peaceful. Eventually the group moved on to the Love River. Craig was tired and wanted to be picked up all the time but the afternoon ride the previous day had taken its toll on the adults as well.

What Craig and Soit-Jade really needed was a jungle gym with seats all around for adults to sit and watch the children play. And, what do you know, such a place showed up just in time. Craig was pretty happy.

In fact, Craig and Soit-Jade were happy.

With sitting the most popular adult activity that afternoon, a boat cruise along the Love River sounded like a very good idea. Craig enjoyed the scenery.

But could see better from Craig's Dad's lap.

The boat tour was a perfect way to relax and see what was on offer along the riverside.

On the way back to the hotel to retrieve their luggage, Craig was carried by the "Diamond Geezer" Uncle Dean. Craig seemed to like Uncle Dean and his nickname was often heard during the trip.

The group ate sashimi for dinner on some outdoor seats outside of the High Speed Railway station at Zuoying. Craig preferred playing under the seats to eating dinner.

Eventually he came out.

He played with his cousin Soit-Jade for a very short time.

And, played with his mobile phones for a while before boarding the 7:30pm train. He must have been tired though because he slept the whole way on his Dad's lap.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Trip to Kaohsiung (Day 2)
Craig's Dad still doesn't understand why the hotel kept the air-conditioning in its restaurant so cold that normal people needed to wear two-layers of clothing just to feel comfortable. Despite the unnecessary cold, Craig enjoyed the breakfast because there was plenty of milk to drink.

While Uncle Dean and Aunty Suprana finished breakfast, Craig and his cousin Soit-Jade went to a small park near the hotel.

Then, it was time for the long walk over the pedestrian overpass to the MRT station again.

First stop was a large open park the name of which escapes Craig's Dad at the moment.

It had a jungle gym of the type most common in Taiwan.

Although it was hot out in the sun, the little group waited for about half an hour for a "water performance" that was scheduled to begin at 12:30. It never began. The spouts never spouted and the jets didn't do what jets are supposed to do either. It was a bit dull.

In the afternoon, it was decided (after some vigorous suggestions from Craig's Dad) that the little group should hire bicycles and go riding on a bicycle path he had read about. It runs along Cijin Island that forms the outer wall of Kaohsiung Harbor.

Craig's seat on the bike was in between his Mum and Dad. He stayed strapped into his seat on the ferry but had trouble looking at the camera for a picture because there was so much to see.

Once on Cijin the little group rode for hours up as far as they could go and then back again. On the outward leg they stopped at a park to allow the two children to play on a jungle gym.

Craig was bit concerned about this slide despite it looking pretty safe to Craig's Dad.

There was an unusual rocking animal not far away that caught Craig's attention because, as he said several times, it was "blue!"

For a change, Craig was happy to share with Soit-Jade.

At the far end of the island from the ferry terminal was a lookout that doubled as the grandstand for a BMX track. The view toward the ocean was unobstructed and the late-afternoon breeze was pretty fresh.

Sunset was not too far away.

Craig's Dad concentrated on taking pictures of the ocean but, in hindsight, he should have taken a picture or two of Craig's Uncle Dean doing tricks on his bicycle.

The ride back was a long one and the people doing the pedalling had to stop occasionally for a rest. Meanwhile Craig admired the scenery from his perch on the bicycle.

After they finally arrived back at the MRT station, a dog surprised everyone by posing for pictures just outside the station.

Just about the last thing people needed was more exercise. So, some bad advice from an MRT employee about which way to walk to the Love River. Evetually a place to have dinner was found, even if it was just hot dogs, chips and German beer.

Soit-Jade had done enough for one day and was sound asleep on her dad, Uncle Guapo's lap.

And, not long after dinner, Craig was also asleep, albeit somewhere a bit more comfortable.

While Uncle Dean and Aunty Suprana finished breakfast, Craig and his cousin Soit-Jade went to a small park near the hotel.

Then, it was time for the long walk over the pedestrian overpass to the MRT station again.

First stop was a large open park the name of which escapes Craig's Dad at the moment.

It had a jungle gym of the type most common in Taiwan.

Although it was hot out in the sun, the little group waited for about half an hour for a "water performance" that was scheduled to begin at 12:30. It never began. The spouts never spouted and the jets didn't do what jets are supposed to do either. It was a bit dull.

In the afternoon, it was decided (after some vigorous suggestions from Craig's Dad) that the little group should hire bicycles and go riding on a bicycle path he had read about. It runs along Cijin Island that forms the outer wall of Kaohsiung Harbor.

Craig's seat on the bike was in between his Mum and Dad. He stayed strapped into his seat on the ferry but had trouble looking at the camera for a picture because there was so much to see.

Once on Cijin the little group rode for hours up as far as they could go and then back again. On the outward leg they stopped at a park to allow the two children to play on a jungle gym.

Craig was bit concerned about this slide despite it looking pretty safe to Craig's Dad.

There was an unusual rocking animal not far away that caught Craig's attention because, as he said several times, it was "blue!"

For a change, Craig was happy to share with Soit-Jade.

At the far end of the island from the ferry terminal was a lookout that doubled as the grandstand for a BMX track. The view toward the ocean was unobstructed and the late-afternoon breeze was pretty fresh.

Sunset was not too far away.

Craig's Dad concentrated on taking pictures of the ocean but, in hindsight, he should have taken a picture or two of Craig's Uncle Dean doing tricks on his bicycle.

The ride back was a long one and the people doing the pedalling had to stop occasionally for a rest. Meanwhile Craig admired the scenery from his perch on the bicycle.

After they finally arrived back at the MRT station, a dog surprised everyone by posing for pictures just outside the station.

Just about the last thing people needed was more exercise. So, some bad advice from an MRT employee about which way to walk to the Love River. Evetually a place to have dinner was found, even if it was just hot dogs, chips and German beer.

Soit-Jade had done enough for one day and was sound asleep on her dad, Uncle Guapo's lap.

And, not long after dinner, Craig was also asleep, albeit somewhere a bit more comfortable.

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