When he was on the platform, Craig looked for the next train to come but he looked the wrong way!
After getting off the train it was quite a long walk from the station to the shop that Craig's Dad wanted to go to. Craig was already a bit bored when Craig's Dad stopped to take a photo of Craig in front of Taipei Arena.
But, 5 minutes later they were inside Ikea where Craig's Dad took Craig straight to the children's section so that he could have some fun.

Ikea has a lot of furniture that can double as a drum if you bang you hands on top.

Lunch was ordinary and Craig was starting to become tired.

After going home and taking a nap, Craig awoke to play with the dryer again!

This time his cousin Soit-Jade joined in the fun of watching clothes go around in circles inside the dryer.

Soit-Jade was deeply interested in the precise movements of the clothes. By that time Craig's Mum was there to supervise.

Soit-Jade showed Craig how to ride his new toy, even though he already knew how to do that.

Later, Craig sat with his Dad to watch a DVD of The Secret Policeman's Other Ball.

He even demonstrated his unique sitting down dancing style. Strangely, he didn't dance much when the music was playing and preferred to dance when the stand-up comedians were talking!

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