The first stop was beside the ocean at Jinshan. Craig seemed to feel that it was bit hot there and seemed a bit uncomfortable in his pram even though was a good stiff breeze coming in off the ocean. Perhaps it was ust too early in the morning for him.

The most interesting part of the view from the "farm" was a huge temple on the other side of the valley. And I mean huge!
The farm was nicely decorated and Craig's Dad decided to become a bit artistic with his camera ..... with limited success.
Aunty Bess was employed full-time trying to keep Craig's Cousin Soit-Jade out of trouble.
But, she ran into trouble when the little girl got mud all over the front her clothes that had to be washed off. Craig's Mum helped with the washing.
Meanwhile Craig was enjoying the fresh mountain air and showing no interest whatsoever in the ducks on the pond beside the restaurant, sorry "farm".Eventually Craig became tired and wanted to sleep but found it hard to close his eyes and drop off, maybe because of the bright outdoor light.
When they arrived home Craig spent some time watching TV with his Mum. She had a cold and tried to keep her germs away from Craig by covering her mouth with a scarf. It must have worked because Craig didn't get sick. :>
Then, when Craig still wouldn't sleep he spent some time with his Dad. On the top of the sofa you can see the book that Craig's Dad was reading aloud to Craig to try to put him to sleep. It didn't work, unfortunately. Craig's Dad had mistakenly thought that a book entitled "Why Globalisation Works" would be so boring that it would put anyone as young as Craig to sleep very quickly. Wrong again!
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