The weather was nice and warm yesterday making it a perfect time to give them a first wearing and take some pictures. At first, he tried to take a picture while holding the camera himself but pieces of peoples' heads kept going missing.

Then, Craig's Aunty Suprana agreed to play at being the photographer but our pose was a bit off. We were leaning back to make Craig comfortable but it just didn't look good.
The next picture was no good because Craig's Dad was too slow to lean his head over. So, we had to try again.
Finally we managed to get a picture that didn't look too bad, even if Craig still wasn't enormously happy about being asked to sit up.
He looked more comfortable in his t-shirt when he was lying down.
The sizes were about right but what hadn't been foreseen was that Craig would grow so quickly. He'll still be able to wear his t-shirt for a few weeks but probably not much longer than that. Soon his Dad will have to spend more money to make the boy look like he's part of the team. Sigh.......
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