While lunch was being eaten, Craig did what he does best. He slept in the room next door.
After lunch his Uncle Guapo and his Mum came to play.
Craig likes it when people look him in the eye and talk to him. That's when he's the happiest.
An absurdly large and unnecessarily complete history of a very cute boy growing up in Taipei, Taiwan.
While lunch was being eaten, Craig did what he does best. He slept in the room next door.
After lunch his Uncle Guapo and his Mum came to play.
Craig likes it when people look him in the eye and talk to him. That's when he's the happiest.
This look can be used at any time, anywhere. He plays no favourites. and is very fair-minded. If he's not happy then he gives the look.
Uncle Guapo took a picture of Craig and his Mum and Dad for the blog.
Then it was time to sit down for breakfast at the same cafe as last time. Craig spent most of the time sleeping. It was a bit early for him.
Meanwhile, Craig's cousin, Jade was her usual lively self. She really doesn't like to sit still whenever she's awake.
After another pizza lunch on the second floor it was back home where Craig did some exercise.
Craig didn't bother to wake up while his parents had lunch.
The restaurant still had Christmas decorations up. White teddy bears are not a normal part of Christmas but it's an idea that has potential, don't you think?
The room at the hotel had a little balcony with a nice view.
They were still sleeping when sunset came. The lights on the far shore of the river looked nice even if there were thick clouds covering the sun.
After dinner, Craig's Dad carried the boy while they went for a walk.
They were quite lucky because it started to rain almost as soon as they got back to the hotel after their walk.
The next morning the weather hadn't improved a lot. It was raining lightly and looking back up river towards Taipei the fog was quite thick.
It only looked a little better when looking down river towards the sea.Then, it was time to get on the MRT and go home. Craig did the sensible thing and slept all the way back.
The next picture was no good because Craig's Dad was too slow to lean his head over. So, we had to try again.
Finally we managed to get a picture that didn't look too bad, even if Craig still wasn't enormously happy about being asked to sit up.
He looked more comfortable in his t-shirt when he was lying down.
The sizes were about right but what hadn't been foreseen was that Craig would grow so quickly. He'll still be able to wear his t-shirt for a few weeks but probably not much longer than that. Soon his Dad will have to spend more money to make the boy look like he's part of the team. Sigh.......
His first few attempts weren't quite what his Mum was hoping to achieve.
But, he quickly became better at moving his nose away from the sofa directly below him.And, after a few days, Craig's Dad reckons that he's been making progress. It's still a long way until he'll be a big strong lad but he's headed in the right direction.
He looks quite determined in these two pictures, don't you think?
Just before midnight we went up to the rooftop to see the fireworks show on Taipei 101.
As soon as the fireworks were finished a birthday cake was brought out for one of the son's of a cousin of Craig's Mum.