Thursday, December 14, 2006

Koala Craig

Craig seems to like sleeping on his Dad's chest. His Mum thinks that he likes it because he can feel/hear his Dad's heartbeat. His Dad thinks it's because Craig likes the body-warmth.

Both versions probably have a bit of truth to them but, whatever the reason, he's become quite good at making himself comfortable there. The weather in Taipei has been quite cold and wet recently. So, there's been no chance to take him out for an evening walk in the pram. He's been spending all day every day at home and there's no better way to end the day than to fall asleep on Dad's chest.


Anonymous said...


Anne said...

Sleeping is good. They are so cute when they are sleeping.

Craig has very fair hair, which looks the same colour as Lizy and Maree's hair. The Dawson hair colour.

Hope you had a good Christmas and are all well.