Every new born baby in Taiwan is given a little booklet by the hospital. In it is kept a record of the doctor's findings at each regular check-up and which innoculations the baby has received and other health information for the baby's parents.
As I mentioned before, when Craig was born he weighed 3.2kgs and was 48.5cms tall. That put him in the tenth percentile for both weight and height. That means he was very much on the small side as 90 percent of children born in Taiwan were bigger than him according to statistics from the national government's Department of Health.
At his first month check-up, Craig was 4.3kgs and 53.2cms. This was a big move up the comparative scale because he was now placed in the 25th percentile for both categories.
However impressive that was, he was far from finished, and Craig has continued to race ahead in the growth stakes. At his second month check-up Craig was 6.0kgs and 57cms. According to his little booklet, Craig is now ranked in the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th for height!!
Previously, Craig's Dad had teased his Mum by saying that it's very strange that the more Craig drinks milk from his Taiwanese mother, the more he looks like a white boy! However, Craig's Dad thinks it's hard to tease a 5ft 2in (158cm) mum about having a child who is taller than most of his peers.