Monday, March 29, 2010

Craig's Life Could Be Worse

Craig has become very fond of taking a large range of toys with him when he has a bath. Unfortunately, his cheapskate parents haven't bought a new bath for him for years so healready has trouble just lying down when he's in there by himself. Hopefully, one day he'll be lucky enough to be given a bigger bathtub so he can fit everything he wants into the tub.

Last Saturday, Craig had lunch at LA Cafe where he got lucky and occupied the one and only sofa in the place with Craig's Dad.

Craig's Mum seemed to enjoy sitting on the one and only single-seat sofa in the place and reading her newspaper in peace.

After lunch Craig was taken to a playground on top of a nearby department store. He's been there plenty of times before but it's lots of fun on the weekends when there's heaps of other kids running around. The atmosphere is more fun when there's other kids there.

Craig has started taking photos on his mobile phone and naturally one of the first games to play is take-a-picture-of-you-while-you-take-a-picture-of-me.

Late update:

Craig's Dad has just looked on Craig's phone and found this picture! Pretty good for a boy who looked like he was just playing with the camera and not looking at the screen on the back.

Second Late Update:
Craig's Dad looked on Craig's Mum's phone and found three more pictures that were taken that day.

Craig normally doesn't like these little drive around animals. He's seen them a million times before but never wanted to get on and ride around. Surprisingly, on this day he did and he even attempted to steer by himself but needed a bit of help when objects like walls jumped out in the way.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Visit to Dahu Park

Craig's Dad has been a bit lazy about getting his camera out and taking pictures of his golden boy lately. Luckily, last Saturday Craig made a trip to Dahu Park and his parents (Craig's Mum actually) remembered that there is a sandpit for Craig to play in there. Although Craig usually likes digging in the sand, on this occasion he only stayed there for about 10 minutes.

The other thing Craig's parents thought Craig might like was to kick a ball. Although the temperature was over 30 degrees Celsius, Craig stuck at that much longer. Sometimes he didn't chase the ball very hard but that was understandable. It was hot.

Most of the time he seemed to be having fun.

He doesn't have the chance to run around grass very often.

Craig's Mum took a couple of videos of the action.

Craig had sweated a lot while playing. When he went to lunch and took his cap off his hair was a little the worse for wear.

After lunch it was still so hot that Craig's Mum and Dad needed another sit-down in air-conditioned comfort. So, they found a coffee shop and Craig helped eat a waffle. He probably had about two-thirds while his parents shared the rest. His appettite is pretty good when he's being fed stuff he likes.

Craig's Dad was pretty happy about being out of the sun. While he was sitting very still Craig took advantage and found a soft place to sit. This is the good life when you're three.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Photos of Craig at Kindy

Craig's parents already knew that Craig likes going to kindergarten but they didn't have a very clear idea why.

He's never protested about being woken up in the morning if Craig's Dad quickly says, "It's time to go play with the other kids," which is Craig's Dad's way of saying it's time to go to kindy.

So, the other day, Craig's kindergarten teacher asked if Craig's parents could supply a USB memory stick. They were very pleasantly surprised when it came back with more than 150 photos of Craig doing lots of different stuff with his classmates. The photos have been uploaded to Photobucket here.

He's been busier than his parents thought. There's a lot of pics of Craig doing P.E. with his classmates where it looks like he had fun, and that can't be a bad thing.