They played a colouring in game on the computer.

After lunch Craig ate plenty of fruit. There's no one on earth who likes to feed other people fruit more than Craig's Taiwanese Grandma.

Craig seemed willing to sit on his Grandma's lap as long as the food kept coming and Grandma was willing to feed him as long as he sat there. Luckily, Craig is pretty skinny, so being over-fed once or twice isn't very likely to hurt him.

In the afternoon Craig's Mum attended a CPR class run by the city government. Craig and his Dad went along but they stayed in the next room. It was full of kids whose mothers were attending the same class.

The class was organized by the city government for the benefit of spouses of Taiwanese people who come from overseas. The vast majority of such people are wives from China, Vietnam and Indonesia etc. and they are generally thought of as being disadvantaged. Craig's Mum doesn't fit that description but she wanted to do the class.
Craig attracted heaps of attention from the university students who were given the job of taking care of the kids. Several of the female students wanted to take him home.

Dinner was also on the second floor. This time Craig's after-dinner fruit was shared with his cousin Yu-chi.

He also settled down for some drawing while the old people had a chance to chat.

There was even time for some fun and games with Soit-Jade and Yu-chi before finally walking upstairs to go home.