Yes folks, that's the real name of a real place here in Taiwan,
Flying Cow Ranch.
Craig's Mum and Dad rented a car for a trip to meet some of Craig's Mum's former university classmates.

Craig's Mum tried to feed the boy breakfast before they left but he wasn't very accommodating.

Craig was pretty happy about getting out of the car and didn't mind the long uphill walk from the car park.

The first order of business was lunch. However, Craig spent more time playing than eating.

So, he was pretty happy about being allowed out of the highchair and being allowed to run around outside. Strangely, he soon began snacking on biscuits from his Mum's backpack.

Although it was a very hot day Craig had a good time running around in the shade provided by a nice long line of trees.

One of the other dads who Craig's Dad nicknamed The King of Kids had brought a little bottle of soapy water and two little doohickeys for blowing bubbles.

The little girls in attendance loved chasing the bubbles but Craig seemed a bit bewildered as to what to do.

Then, it was time to go and see some of the animals kept on the farm.

Craig liked the goats more than the rabbits.

But he seemed to like the sheep most of all. A few times he had to be pulled away because the sheep were eating leaves fed to them by lots of children and Craig's Dad doubted the sheep would know or care if one of Craig's fingers accidentally got in the way.

Craig's Mum helped Craig have a turn at feeding a sheep.

The group then went on a long walk that took them along a path through a forest with Craig leading the way. At one point, Craig looked back to see if everyone was keeping up.

Because the road ahead was still quite long.

But, along the way, there were a lot of lovely butterflies.

Eventually, they came to a little place where they could sit and rest but Craig was more interested in these small towers that were part of a cooling system for a greenhouse where butterflies were being bred. He even managed to pull a handful of green slime out of the water just for fun.
Then, the walk continued towards a lookout.

The view from the top was pretty good.

So a family picture was taken.

All that walking had worn out some of the other kids.

But, Craig and some of the girls were still going strong!
However, Craig had done an enormous amount of walking for such a tiny boy that day and it was no surprise when he slept most of the way home in the car. He awoke temporarily when they stopped at a rest area but they couldn't stay long because it was already after 8:30 and the rental car had to be back by 10:00.