But soon he was on the beach playing with the sand.

Craig helped with the digging but insisted on placing the handfuls of sand he had dug up in Craig's Dad's hand and nowhere else. Efficiency is not his major concern.

Just like on his his previous visit Craig was the center of attention for many young women on the beach. The girl in the green dress hung around for so long that her boyfriend came over to join her. She was fascinated by Craig and thought his blonde hair was very special. Craig's Dad thought she stared at Craig a bit too much for comfort.

But, in her defense, it should be said that it's natural some girls will think Craig is very handsome, don't you think?

Craig was so pleased about playing at the beach that he stayed for hours right through the time that would normally be his afternoon nap. And, when he was taken back to the hotel room to wash the salt off and have a snack he was too excited to sleep.

But, when his parents went to have something to eat and drink while watching the sunset, Craig dropped straight off to sleep in his pram.

So, Craig's Mum and Dad had some peace and quiet while the sun moved lower in the sky. The nachos were just OK, and the chicken fingers not too bad....

But the mango smoothie was excellent!

The scene in front of them was serene.

After a brief nap, Craig was then taken for a walk. It was such a long walk, Craig's Mum thought that Craig might be tired and want to sleep early.

But Craig had other ideas. After eating a banana..

And, reading a bedtime story to himself....

He was still not sleepy at 10:30pm! Instead of sleeping, he helped his Dad eat a packet of chips!!

There are no pictures of Craig on the beach the next morning. The first picture was taken at lunch when Craig decided that not enough people had seen his belly-button.

After a strangely expensive (or perhaps overpriced would be more accurate) lunch, Craig was soon on a bus back to Danshui. He began to look tired very quickly.

And his Mum's chest is a great place to sleep.

Back in Taipei, Craig had dinner at an outdoor restaurant on the roof of a department store not far from home.

It wasn't as nice as watching the sun set at the beach but Craig had a good time just the same.