Sunday, August 26, 2007

Dad's Teddy (aka Bomba)

Craig's Grandma in Australia did a very cool thing. She kept a teddy bear that used to belong to Craig's Dad and then she gave it to Craig when he visited last month.

Since his return to Taipei Craig hasn't played with it a lot but when he does it's still special enough to be worth taking pictures and putting the pictures on his blog.


Bite marks are being left on Craig's Mum and Dad on an almost daily basis recently but modesty doesn't allow pictures of that to be posted on the internet. Not to worry, there's plenty of other stuff feeling Craig's bite.

Craig has six teeth, four on top and two below so he can take a neat little bite out of soft things like cork coasters very quickly.

Craig's parents haven't been able to find proper hard teething rusks in Taipei. They did find one box of biscuits that looked like the biscuits might be similar to rusks but they turned out to be quite soft and they had a really funny English name.

Such are the trials and tribulations of living in foreign lands with a teething baby.

The Magazine Killer

Back when Craig was in Australia his Aunty Annette gave his Dad a magazine about Australian football. It lasted for a while but not long ago became a plaything for Craig. He can tear up paper pages surprisingly quickly.

He isn't very good at being sorry about ruining stuff. Luckily, it was a rubbish magazine.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Uncle Amitha Comes to Visit

Craig's Uncle Amitha came to visit and as soon as he arrived he became acquainted with Craig.

They hadn't met before but Craig is always happy to make new friends.

Craig had a good time posing for pictures with his Uncle Amitha.

But he didn't allow the arrival of a new house-guest to get in the way of a relaxing afternoon nap.

The next day, Uncle Amitha and Aunty Bess paid for lunch.

Craig liked the balloon that one of the restaurant staff gave him. Life doesn't get better than that.