Thursday, May 31, 2007

Craig Helps His Mum Play Sudoku

Games like Sudoku are insidious and evil and are so mind-numbing that mothers will even ignore their children while they play for hours (or sometimes just minutes).

Poor Craig just couldn't get his Mum to stop playing. It's a very sad state of affairs. Even more sad than that was that he wouldn't frown or cry while his Dad tried to gather evidence about how evil this game really is.

Craig is a Yankees Fan

Craig has been growing like a weed and his parents were forced to go looking for new clothing recently. A trip to the nearest night-market found them unable to resist buying something special. Now, Craig can join his Mum in uniform when she's cheering for her favourite player Chien-ming Wang (as our North American friends write it) when he is pitching for the New York Yankees.

The cap looks particularly good but the uniform is a bit big. No matter, he'll grow into it.

Craig's Latest Video

Craig's Aunty Suprana has put together a two-part video of Craig that's really quite cute. It's a couple of months old now but I'd still recommend it as a bit of fun. Click on the link below and enjoy.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Two Teeth

Craig's first teeth poked through his bottom gum a few weeks ago but it has taken a while to get a picture. It took more that a few atempts to take a picture that showed the teeth in all their glory.

It wasn't a project that received Craig's full cooperation.

He seemed to be able to just avoid giving his Dad the picture he wanted. The teeth could be seen but not clearly.

But, persistence is a virtue, and eventually the two teeth showed themselves.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Craig the Computer Genius

The title of this post might be a small exaggeration. Craig has in fact shown no particularly special ability to use electronic devices of any kind but since it is his Dad writing the blog the occasional bit of hyperbole is to be expected.

The real story is that Craig’s Mum has had to try a million different things to try and keep her boy entertained recently. He has not been easy to please. She has tried many kinds of toys and things to chew on but Craig has become quite willful and if he insists on playing with something it can be very difficult to distract him. So, if he insists on playing with his Mum’s laptop computer then that is what he does.

Of course that sometimes means that sacrifices are made. On the floor next to Craig's Mum's left leg is a computer mouse that he damaged. It no longer works and is line to become another toy for Craig.

Plus, it is probably worth mentioning that Craig has become quite camera conscious and has already learned to look at the camera when it is pointed at him.

He'll even smile for the camera when asked. Pretty clever for a boy who is not yet seven months old.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Trip to Kenting (Days 3 & 4)

The day began with a trip to one of the many pools at the hotel. Craig was parked in his pram under some shady palm trees.

Then it was back to the room for yet another nap, this time accompanied by Mum. It was a very comfortable bed.

While having a spot of afternoon tea Craig's Dad spotted a squirrel on a tree just outside of the coffee shop window.

Then it was back to the pool where Craig tried on his very first cap. The peak is pretty big and keeps the sun off very well.

A lot of people like the picture of Craig above but his Dad reckons the one below is too good to leave off the blog, even if it is a bit similar.

Of course, Craig isn't really accustomed to headwear yet.

Meanwhile Craig's Mum tried out the pool.

She even had a go on the water-slide.

And Craig's Dad played silly games with the hotel staff where the winner got to throw a small bucket of water on the loser after playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.

There are no pictures from Day 4 because all Craig and his parents did was have breakfast, watch baseball on TV and then drive home.

Trip to Kenting (Day 2)

Day 2 of the trip was very quiet. Craig spent most of the day on his huge bed. He seemed to like it a lot. His Mum and Dad noticed that he seemed able to sleep all day on that bed.

Later in the day Craig went for a walk with his Dad and Mum. He even helped his Dad play chess in another unfinished game.

Then they had a look at the beach ...... I know, it's a bit strange calling it a beach but "small bayside covered in rocks and broken coral" doesn't sound nice, now does it?

The main attraction of the beach is that it's a nice place to watch the sunset.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Trip to Kenting (Day1)

Last week, Craig's parents rented a car and drove all the way to the very south of Taiwan to a place called Kenting. Craig looked comfy and happy in his seat in the back.

The car was a tiny 1500cc Toyota Vios. It was just the right size for a family of three.

Australians will know the logo we saw on this billboard beside the freeway just outside of Taipei.

Craig became bored during the trip and seemed to like it when his parents put him in his pram for a walk around one of the freeway rest areas.

When they arrived at the Yoho Landis Beach Club they found that the room had two king-size beds. One for Craig and one for his parents!

The first thing they did was go for a walk around to see what there was to see. Craig's Mum and Dad played chess using the big outdoor pieces but they didn't finish the game.

There were shops as well but Craig liked Snoopy better.

Dinner was a very expensive buffet. Luckily it didn't cost anything for Craig to sit there in his pram and watch his parents eat.

After a bath, Craig was in a good mood and had plenty of fun playing with his Dad on his huge bed.